Chair Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling
Modern and Contemporary History is the designation for the epoch from the end of the 18th century to the present. Our research focuses primarily on the history of international relations, European imperialism, and the history of National Socialism and the Federal Republic of Germany.
All current information:
- Interviews (audio and print) by Professor Kießling on 75 years of the Federal Republic can be found here.
The conference report on "Das war die Bonner Republik" on 9/10 April 2024 can be found here.
Application deadline for the Master's programme in the winter semester 2024/25: 13 May to 2 September 2024. Information on the application procedure can be found here.
Here you find information on:
hours in the summer semester break (Jul 22 - October 4, 2024)
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling
Consultation hours are offered on the following Thursdays from 2 to 3 pm via Zoom: July 25, August 8, September 5. You can book an appointment here. If required, Prof Kiessling can be contacted by email at friedrich.kiessling[at] In urgent cases, a Zoom meeting can be arranged outside the mentioned dates.
Office hours with the lecturers of the Chair
For further information please see: Julia Gehrke, M.A., Frederice Charlotte Stasik (Mag.theol., M.A.).
Contact details
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling
University of Bonn
Institute for Historical Studies
Department of Modern History
Konviktstraße 11
53113 Bonn
Secretary's office: Karin Ramscheid
Office hours: Tue - Thur from 9 am to 3:30 pm
Room: 1.003
Phone: +49 228 - 73 53 70
E-Mail: karin.ramscheid[at]