Welcome to the Institute of Historical Science
The Institute represents a special diversity of topics in research and teaching. The subject is covered across the entire epochal spectrum from ancient to contemporary history and with regional focuses and specific profiles.
The total of eleven professors at the Institute and their staff guarantee a broad, intensive education covering all epochs, while at the same time offering the possibility of specialising in a selected epoch or sub-area of history.
- Prisca Lohmann
- Scheinheilig? - Videosequenz der Wallfahrt zum Heiligen Rock Trier 1933
- Stellenausschreibung Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in für die Abteilung für Verfassungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG)
- Schließung der Bibliothek für Osteuropäische Geschichte vom 30.09. bis zum 03.10.
- "KI für alle". Grundkurs in künstlicher Intelligenz
- Alexander Gerber M.A.
- WDR Zeitzeichen mit Frau Dr. Linda Dohmen zu König Lothar II.
- Stolpersteinverlegung Wilhelm und Elsa Levison
- Die Inschriften der Stadt Xanten - jetzt auch digital im Forschungsportal "Deutsche Inschriften Online" open access zugänglich
Student Representatives
The student representation acts on behalf of the students and helps to organise student life.
Quality management
A regulated quality management system for quality assurance is established at the Institute.
Equality and diversity
IGW is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and family friendliness.
Internship database
Are you looking for an internship? You can find it in the IGW internship database!